At any moment now I am expecting the carriage to arrive, traversing across the frigid Siberian plains and gliding to a stop in front of the ice castle in which I wait patiently, wrapped in heavy furs, for my Dr. Zhivago to appear.
I am so damn cold. And for all I know I could be in Siberia right now, with the white covered plains blinding the sky outside, the cold wind seeping in all the nooks and crannies of my house, and the snow that seems to have covered the entire earth. But unlike Julie Christie in "Dr. Zhivago", I'm not able to escape the scene and yell "Cut!" So I do the next two best things: turn the heat up to a balmy 76 degrees, and begin some serious Arizona dreaming of my trip only a few weeks ago.
And what a delicious trip it was. Presently, I am going to salivate over one particularly yummy meal I enjoyed in the Valley of the Sun, and on a clear day that promised to hit 76 by afternoon.
My mother and I, though usually quite adventurous in our food travels, found ourselves returning again and again to the same place for lunch. It was that good. And not only did we become repeat offenders ("Where should we go to lunch today, Suzanne?" "Oh, I don't know, how about Brio's?" "Excellent choice!"), but we ended up ordering the same thing.
It would go something like this:
Mom: "I would like to order a glass of Pinot Grigio."
Me: "Ditto."
Mom: "Oh everything looks so good on the menu, what should I have?"
Me: "Ooh, tough decision" (said in a French accent ala Kevin Kline in "French Kiss")
Mom: "I think I'll just have the Chicken Crusted Salad again."
Me: "I think I'll just have the Salmon & Asparagus Salad again."
Then we clinked our glasses in a toast of all things wonderful in this world, namely us, two great gals who really are on the ball when it comes to enjoying the wide world of delicious food.
Yup, my mom and I are two ladies who know how to live a large life in a small body, no doubt about it. And even in my current state of coldness, I am warmed by the thought of soon again being in my home state of AZ and in the company of my mother (headed back in February!), no matter how many Russian -- I mean Wyoming -- winter days I have to live through until then.
And just for the record, I hated the movie "Dr. Zhivago"...what woman in her right mind would hole up in a Siberian ice castle, with minks covering every part of her body except her eyes, just in the hopes the good doctor would show up, no matter how good looking he was? If I were Julie Christie, I would've hijacked the carriage upon his arrival and headed due south towards warmer places and bodies...and certainly better food.
May your warm weather dreams keep you toasty this winter!
Suzanna Quintana, Holistic Health Coach & Certified Foodie
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